Personal Information
First Name*
Last Name*
Home Email*
Business Email*
Mobile Phone*
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
ZIP Code*
Twitter Handle
Facebook Handle
LinkedIn URL
Referred By
Resume (only needed if LinkedIn Profile url is not provided)
United Way affiliation
2023-24 Campaign Contribution
Does your company host an annual United Way Campaign?
What, if any, AAP events have you attended in the past?
Company or Organization*
Job Title
Business Phone
Year Completed College
Graduate School
Year Completed Graduate School
Volunteer experience
Please list your volunteer and other board experience including the organization name, your position and duties and years of service.
AAP Cabinet involvement
How many years are you willing to serve?*
Do you understand this is a working board?*
Each cabinet member is assigned to a committee. Please rank how your skills align with the below, 1 being very aligned and 5 being not aligned at all.
Securing high profile venues/speakers and planning special events**
Recruiting new members and prospect conversion*
Developing retention tactics for existing members*
Connecting with local non-profits and volunteer event logistics*
Creating communications content and managing social media tools*
Creating & improving processes & strategies*
Please provide us with an example of how you would leverage your professional/personal network for the benefit of AAP (i.e. secure a top executive for a AAP leadership lunch; secure sponsorship or venue for an event; media promotion of AAP; key demographic of pros
Statement of Interest that highlights your fundraising abilities and SPECIFIC corporate contacts (250 words or less)*

Cabinet participation requires a minimum donation of $1,000 or more to United Way of Greater Atlanta, as well as attendance at 75% of cabinet meetings and 50% of AAP events. Cabinet members are required to attend the Cabinet Retreat. Finally, cabinet members are expected to solicit corporate and individual sponsorships/donations and are called upon to promote AAP events heavily to personal and professional networks.

I have read and commit to the above requirements.*